Future Story Ideas
As a writer, it is good to keep a log or a small book that you can write future story ideas in. Something that you can keep handy when you need to start a new book.

Music and My Writing Process
I think using music during the writing process is different for everyone. For me there are a few different types of music depending on what I am writing. If I am writing science fiction or some type of astronomical poetry, then I like something from the Space Ambient genre.

Reflections on Writing - Don’t Fear Change
From the time you write the first word to the time your book is submitted to be published; your creation is going to change. There is always a first draft, and that first draft never makes it to publication.

Reflections on Writing - Enjoy
It is my hope that you are writing out of passion and for enjoyment. Your passion for your work, for your characters and for your story will come through and be picked up by the reader. And there must be enjoyment in the endeavor.

Reflections on Writing - Plan
You have to have a plan. It is more important to know the ending than to know the beginning. The beginning can always be adapted, modified or changed. But the ending is where you are heading.