Reflections on Writing - Enjoy

It is my hope that you are writing out of passion and for enjoyment. Your passion for your work, for your characters and for your story will come through and be picked up by the reader. And there must be enjoyment in the endeavor. You can’t have one without the other. They run together, hand in hand, through endless green fields full of poppies and daisies under a beautiful blue sky with cotton ball clouds!

There is no such thing as a joyless passion. Imagine a passion for something that you dislike. I have a passion for gardening, not weeding. The flower garden brings me enjoyment. I don’t wake up in the morning eagerly anticipating my time weeding the garden. So, you are writing because you have a passion to write or a passion for the project. That passion is what gives you the drive to find the time in the modern and hectic world to put pen to paper or fingertips to keyboard to bring your creation to life. And as you review your progress, it will bring enjoyment of your accomplishment.

Embrace your passion for writing and enjoyment will come at every stage of the development. Your passion will shine through in the form of the storytelling and the depth of your characters. A part of you is there, in every book. It doesn’t matter if it is a historical fiction novel, an early reader children’s book or a cookbook.

Enjoy the process of your passion. Take hold of that passion and write. And then write some more.

J. S. Clawson

Scott Clawson is an avid writer, photographer, traveler and gardener. Living on a small island, he has spent many hours watching and taking photographs of wildlife in his garden, on the beach and in the wetlands.  He naturally began writing stories about the whimsical wildlife world around him.

Reflections on Writing - Don’t Fear Change


Reflections on Writing - Research