A new Tibby the Mouse is coming!

The illustrations for Tibby Goes to the Beach have arrived! Work on this new board book will begin soon. If you aren’t familiar with Tibby the Mouse, you can find out more about Tibby our website here, Tibby the Mouse.

Ruby the Ruby-throated hummingbird and Mary the Milk Cow are here! Yes, that’s right, we received our shipment of the Ruby stuffed animals and the Mary plushies. These adorable toys will be available soon online in the Mermaid’s Shop and they will be available at our booth at the Williamsburg Book Festival this weekend.

Are you in the process of writing a book or already have written a book? One of the basic first steps all writers face when the complete a manuscript is finding an editor. Many writers think of editing as simply identifying and fixing errors associated with spelling and grammatical typos, poor word choices or awkward syntax; however, the world of book editing is so much more. There are many different terms for and types of editing: developmental editing, line editing, copy editing and even proofreading.

If you would like to learn more about the editing process, visit our blog and read our posts on Editing Basics. Start with Developmental Editing here.

Don’t forget, if you live in the Williamsburg/Hampton Roads, VA area, come out to the Williamsburg Book Festival this Saturday, Feb. 22, 10am – 4pm, at the Williamsburg Community Building. Numerous publishers and authors will be there, and you are sure to find some books to take home with you! Find out more here, https://www.williamsburgbookfestival.org/

Stay warm and dry and don’t forget to dream big!

True life mermaids (or mermen) believe in themselves, they embrace their creativity and live life to the fullest.

Updates from the writer’s desk…

Visit Scott at the Willliamsburg Book Festival this Saturday, February 22, 10-4.

Stay in touch with Scott and keep up with his exhibits and book signings here, https://www.jsclawson.com/


Great Williamsburg Book Festival


He’s a cute rooster…