The Hawk and the Hummingbird® and the Hurricane/¡El halcón y el colibrí y el huracán!, Hardback Spanish Version


By: J. S. Clawson

Illustrated by: Helena Crevel, Translated by Maynard Dodson and Claudia Pastora Gonzalez Botero

ISBN: 9781960430168

Hardback, Full Color, 8 × 10 inches, 86 pages

"They will have to depend on each other in order to survive."

A whimsical story about a cheerful hummingbird and a loyal hawk as they face an approaching hurricane. You might not expect a hummingbird and a hawk to be friends, but Ruby and Red are the best of friends. And it is this friendship that will give them the strength to survive the coming storm.

There is a peculiar breeze one bright and beautiful morning, blowing across a small island in the bay. It is a mystery that Ruby, his best friend Red, and their island friends must unravel. Join the group as it explores the island in search of the source of the peculiar breeze. When the breeze turns into something more frightening, the friends will have to depend on each other to survive.

The first book in the Hawk and Hummingbird® series is about a quest that turns into a tale of survival once the secret of the peculiar breeze is discovered. J. S. Clawson takes you on an adventure of discovery while you learn the value of friendship and the strength that comes with it.

"Ellos tendrán que depender el uno del otro para sobrevivir".

Quizás no esperes que un colibrí y un halcón sean amigos, pero Ruby y Red son los mejores amigos. Y esa amistad es la que les dará la fuerza para sobrevivir a la tormenta que se avecina.

Una hermosa y brillante mañana hay una brisa peculiar soplando en una pequeña isla de la bahía. Éste es un misterio que Ruby, su mejor amigo Red y sus amigos de la isla deben resolver. Únete a este grupo mientras explora la isla en busca de la fuente de la peculiar brisa.

En su primer libro de la serie El halcón y el colibrí, J. S. Clawson te lleva a descubrir una aventura, mientras aprendes el valor de la amistad y la fuerza que trae consigo.

Also available in paperback and in French.

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By: J. S. Clawson

Illustrated by: Helena Crevel, Translated by Maynard Dodson and Claudia Pastora Gonzalez Botero

ISBN: 9781960430168

Hardback, Full Color, 8 × 10 inches, 86 pages

"They will have to depend on each other in order to survive."

A whimsical story about a cheerful hummingbird and a loyal hawk as they face an approaching hurricane. You might not expect a hummingbird and a hawk to be friends, but Ruby and Red are the best of friends. And it is this friendship that will give them the strength to survive the coming storm.

There is a peculiar breeze one bright and beautiful morning, blowing across a small island in the bay. It is a mystery that Ruby, his best friend Red, and their island friends must unravel. Join the group as it explores the island in search of the source of the peculiar breeze. When the breeze turns into something more frightening, the friends will have to depend on each other to survive.

The first book in the Hawk and Hummingbird® series is about a quest that turns into a tale of survival once the secret of the peculiar breeze is discovered. J. S. Clawson takes you on an adventure of discovery while you learn the value of friendship and the strength that comes with it.

"Ellos tendrán que depender el uno del otro para sobrevivir".

Quizás no esperes que un colibrí y un halcón sean amigos, pero Ruby y Red son los mejores amigos. Y esa amistad es la que les dará la fuerza para sobrevivir a la tormenta que se avecina.

Una hermosa y brillante mañana hay una brisa peculiar soplando en una pequeña isla de la bahía. Éste es un misterio que Ruby, su mejor amigo Red y sus amigos de la isla deben resolver. Únete a este grupo mientras explora la isla en busca de la fuente de la peculiar brisa.

En su primer libro de la serie El halcón y el colibrí, J. S. Clawson te lleva a descubrir una aventura, mientras aprendes el valor de la amistad y la fuerza que trae consigo.

Also available in paperback and in French.

By: J. S. Clawson

Illustrated by: Helena Crevel, Translated by Maynard Dodson and Claudia Pastora Gonzalez Botero

ISBN: 9781960430168

Hardback, Full Color, 8 × 10 inches, 86 pages

"They will have to depend on each other in order to survive."

A whimsical story about a cheerful hummingbird and a loyal hawk as they face an approaching hurricane. You might not expect a hummingbird and a hawk to be friends, but Ruby and Red are the best of friends. And it is this friendship that will give them the strength to survive the coming storm.

There is a peculiar breeze one bright and beautiful morning, blowing across a small island in the bay. It is a mystery that Ruby, his best friend Red, and their island friends must unravel. Join the group as it explores the island in search of the source of the peculiar breeze. When the breeze turns into something more frightening, the friends will have to depend on each other to survive.

The first book in the Hawk and Hummingbird® series is about a quest that turns into a tale of survival once the secret of the peculiar breeze is discovered. J. S. Clawson takes you on an adventure of discovery while you learn the value of friendship and the strength that comes with it.

"Ellos tendrán que depender el uno del otro para sobrevivir".

Quizás no esperes que un colibrí y un halcón sean amigos, pero Ruby y Red son los mejores amigos. Y esa amistad es la que les dará la fuerza para sobrevivir a la tormenta que se avecina.

Una hermosa y brillante mañana hay una brisa peculiar soplando en una pequeña isla de la bahía. Éste es un misterio que Ruby, su mejor amigo Red y sus amigos de la isla deben resolver. Únete a este grupo mientras explora la isla en busca de la fuente de la peculiar brisa.

En su primer libro de la serie El halcón y el colibrí, J. S. Clawson te lleva a descubrir una aventura, mientras aprendes el valor de la amistad y la fuerza que trae consigo.

Also available in paperback and in French.

The Hawk and the Hummingbird® and the Hurricane/Le faucon et le colibri et l’ouragan !, Paperback French Version
The Hawk and the Hummingbird® and the Clock/Le faucon et le colibri et le réveil, Hardback French version
The Hawk and the Hummingbird® and the Hurricane/Le faucon et le colibri et l’ouragan !, Hardback French Version
The Hawk and the Hummingbird® And the Treasure (Hardback)
The Hawk and the Hummingbird® And the Hurricane! (Paperback)