Spring, glorious spring!

Spring, spring, glorious spring! Yes, the Spring Equinox is Thursday! Here in Virginia the daffodils and crocus are blooming, the early trees are budding, and the tulips are starting to emerge. It was a long winter but the promise of spring is here.

The Spanish version of The Hawk and the Hummingbird®and the Hurricane/ ¡El halcón y el colibri y el huracán! is now available, as well as the French version of The Hawk and the Hummingbird® and the Clock/Le faucon et le colibri et le réveil. Both books are available in paperback and hardback and you will find them in our website store here or click on the below images. If you are local to Gwynn’s Island, i.e. Williamsburg, Hampton Roads, or Richmond, you can choose local pickup and we’ll work out delivery options for you.

In our printing studio this week we have been working on creating photographic collages. The process involves taking print ready photography images and adding the images to a particular layout or design to create a “collage” of images. These collages are centered around a specific place, mood, or time frame. Here is a sample of Scott’s photographs from Kew Gardens in London placed together in a collage for printing.

Did you get a chance to work on the five-word challenge we gave you a few weeks ago? If so, make sure to email it to us at info@mermaidcoveproductions.com. If you haven’t participated and are still interested, just write a poem, short story, or vignette using these five words: glow, ready, mourning, fragrant, and glass.

Mermaid Reads: Book recommendations and what we’re reading.

  • The Women of Chateau Lafayette by Stephanie Dray. If you’re a lover of historical fiction, this well written book, set in France, spans three time spans and is very historically accurate.

  • Skippyjon Jones by Judy Schachner. This cute children’s book is about Skippyjon Jones, the Siamese cat that would rather be a sword-fighting Chihuahua!

Go and bloom! And remember:

True life mermaids (or mermen) believe in themselves, they embrace their creativity and live life to the fullest.

Updates from the writer’s desk…

March is flying by, much like the wind that has blasted in! Certainly, for our little island, it has come in like the Lion. Let's hope it goes out like a Lamb. Spring is here, the daffodils have awoken from their winter slumber along with the crocus. Thanks to the Daylight Savings time change, we have some longer evenings. What do you do to get ready for Spring? I get excited to see the budding trees, to hear the Bluebird and Cardinal start their mating songs and feel the warmer sun. I start thinking of my photography and new ideas of photo shoots along with the places to visit. I take photos all year long, however like most people, Spring, Summer and Fall are the prime months for photography. Alot of other things are in the works. Book festivals and Art Shows will begin in earnest shortly. The Hawk and the Hummingbird Activity Book arrives this week! And a new children's book is in the production stages, coming along nicely and I hope to share it with you soon. So, take a moment to enjoy the changing season and notice all the beauty that surrounds you. Here is a poem I wrote in 2017 about the promise of the returning spring. I hope you enjoy it and once again, thank you so much for your encouragement and support.


Across the meadow flows the song,
The little lark with joy in its heart,
Rhythmically singing of bright and fragrant days,
To emerge from Winter days too long.

Look to the East for the warm sign,
Of another moon's sojourn ending,
And the start of Apollo's ride,
To open the blooms of flowers so fine.

From the sea a rush of Poseidon's breath,
Gently swaying pines of evergreen,
Stirring the reeds of the awakening marsh,
A rush of salt to lift the spirit afresh.

Slowly through the starlight we glide,|Upon terra firma we hitch a ride,
To travel the winds of a solar path,
Is the ensure we spring anew from Winter's wrath.

Stay in touch with Scott and keep up with his exhibits and book signings here, https://www.jsclawson.com/


Great Williamsburg Book Festival