Reflections on Writing - Write

You have to write. Thinking about writing, developing a plan about writing, talking about writing or dreaming about writing is important. However, putting pen to paper is the only way to complete a book. So, the first element to writing a book is to write. And then write some more.

Since writing for most of us is not our primary means of income, finding time is important. We live in a busy world that tries to fill every moment of our awakened day and finding time to write is as personable as your book. Your work and family obligations are unique to you. But the need to write is not. Every published author has found the time to write. So, find your time to write.

Let the first draft roll. Write it without too much care for punctuation and grammar. It is important to get what is in your head out to the paper or the screen. You will most likely go back and re-write it a dozen times afterwards. Your editor will make suggestions for clarification and organization. If you are concerned about staying on track, use an outline.

Writing is never a waste of time. Even if some of the items you are writing about never make it to the final version of the book, those ideas are still part of the story. They help bring authenticity to your writing and depth to your characters.

Fifteen minutes here, fifteen minutes there, one hour here, one half day there. Before you know, your book is staring back at you, ready for its day. So, write. And then write some more.

J. S. Clawson

Scott Clawson is an avid writer, photographer, traveler and gardener. Living on a small island, he has spent many hours watching and taking photographs of wildlife in his garden, on the beach and in the wetlands.  He naturally began writing stories about the whimsical wildlife world around him.

Reflections on Writing - Plan