Copyright Law

Here are the basics of Copyright Law from the U.S. Copyright Office. For more extensive information visit the U.S. Copyright Office website or the Copyright Alliance website.

Brochure titled "Copyright Basics," explaining U.S. copyright law, covering eligible works, copyright owner rights, claiming copyright, and duration. Examples include literary, musical, dramatic, graphic, audio, and architectural works. Published by the U.S. Copyright Office.
Text discussing copyright, including the rights of a copyright owner, what is not protected by copyright, and who can claim copyright. It details exclusive rights like reproduction and distribution, and items not protected such as ideas and slogans. It also explains copyright ownership by creators.
Page from "Copyright Basics" document explaining the concept of "Works made for hire" and transfer of copyright ownership. It outlines scenarios for works made for hire and notes on copyright ownership rights, including legal transfers and bequeathing copyrights.
Image of a page from a copyright guide discussing termination of copyright transfer, copyright duration, and protecting work. It mentions how authors can terminate copyright agreements, the renewal terms for pre-1978 works, and steps to enhance copyright protections. Includes references to the Compendium of U.S. Copyright Office Practices and Circulars 6A and 15A.
Page with information about the benefits and effective date of copyright registration
Page detailing information on copyright notice and usage, explaining requirements, benefits, and conditions for using copyrighted works. It includes legal terminology and references Circulars for additional details.
Text discussing the importance of publication in copyright law and protection of works in other countries.
Text about "Mandatory Deposit" requirements for copyrighted works in the U.S., detailing the obligation to send two copies to the Library of Congress within three months of publication.
Notes section on copyright basics outlining the concepts of U.S. copyright, defining "United States work," discussing phonorecords, copyright recordation with CBP, and distinguishing "non-U.S. work." Copyright office website included.
Contact information for the U.S. Copyright Office, including website, email, phone numbers, and mailing address for further inquiries. Document revised September 2021 by the Library of Congress.